It has been almost 3 months since Jun Dabalos passed away. But God's promises to this man still holds true to this very day. I remember him excitedly talking about multitudes of people worshipping God, with him leading on stage. He sings his own songs, he said, referring to his vision. It was a passing conversation but will forever stay in my heart.
When he was laid to rest there were people from all over who came and testified of the man that he was. And today when I look at his songs on youtube interpreted by strangers, I can actually see the multitudes he is leading nearer to God. In a way the songs he wrote like "Dungog ug Himaya" resounds from hundreds of places of worship all over the nation every Sunday. Little did he know that is the case. Even his wife way back then did not even knew he married the man who wrote the well known song.
Looking back I can see him as a man of humility. He had a hard life but he never failed to come to his secret place with God - thus he writes songs that are truly one of a kind and yes - worshipful.
Latter Greater Music has more of his songs. And we are committed to let the Philippines and the world hear them. Soon!
hi.. are you still active? i sent an email.. thanks